
I've been looking for a different online bookmark manager, and today I stumbled across one by accident that I think will serve my purposes. I wanted something other than a social bookmarking site that would let me 1) organize the bookmark list in some easy fashion and 2) share it with either selected individuals or everyone. Symbaloo does that, and with a flair!

Symbaloo bookmarks, available using any Internet device, are shown as tiles, so many can be seen at one time (on my screen, I can see 42 at once). Tiles can be configured to display a name and an icon--theirs or your own--and can be given one of eight colors. Tiles for common sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and the Weather Channel are pre-made and ready to be added, but you also can add your own easily.

A Symbaloo bookmark page is called a webmix. Tiles can be organized by color and location on one webmix, and you can further organize by using multiple webmixes, accessible by tabs. For example, I have a Home webmix and will have a Shopping webmix, an Education webmix, and so on.

In addition to bookmark webmixes, you can also have feed webmixes, so Symbaloo could also serve as a basic feed aggregator.

The only disadvantage I can find so far is that you cannot add any descriptive text to the tiles, but I think I can live with that.

You might be interested in how I ran across this. Following a trail of links as I was reading, I came to an Edu-Demics post/article entitled "Watch the Amazing Way a 7th Grader Spends Her School Day Online." You'll be able to get a good view of Symbaloo if you'll take a minute to view the included YouTube video of the young lady explaining the PLN she devised. Wow! As I found when I was teaching, we can learn a lot from savvy young people!

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