
If I weren't already so invested in Blogger, I would switch to Posterous. In fact, I might even think about doing that anyway. Blogging just doesn't get any easier, especially if you want the ability to use or embed almost any kind of media in your posts.

What makes it so easy? First, there's no registration, no login requried. Second there's no post creation interface: you simply send an email to Posterous. Third, there's no uploading: you simply attach any photos, videos, audio, etc. to the post email. Fourth, if you include a link to, say, a YouTube video, the video will automatically be embedded into the post. Begin to see what I mean?

If you want to get fancy, you can use Posterous to distribute audio podcasts via iTunes. If you want to autopost to Twitter or Facebook, or your photos to Flickr, you can set that up pretty easily, too.

Your site can be private if you wish; you can simply password-protect it and send the password to anyone you want to share it with. Or, if you want a group of people to be able to post (and posting is so easy anyone who can email can do it), you just add their addresses to your site; they don't have to register or do anything extra.

A quick read of the FAQs will give you a better overview of Posterous' features. If you're not already blogging, this would be such an easy way to start! What are you waiting for?

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