Zen Habits Post: 10 Things You Can Do Today to Simplify Your Life

New-year-resolution time is fast approaching, and while I do not really make resolutions...no sense in making resolutions you won't keep...I do try to make some improvements. I ran across this Zen Habits post somehow today, and though it doesn't deliver anything earth shattering or even new, it does present an interesting short list of 10 quick and easy changes to make along with suggested ways to accomplish them. Why read it? Well, I hope I'm not the only one who could do with a little simplification these days!

To give you an idea what's there so you can decide if you want to go read it (in case you already do all these things!), here are the 10 "things"...

  1. Make a short list.
  2. Drop 1 commitment.
  3. Purge a drawer.
  4. Set limits.
  5. Simplify your to-do list.
  6. Free up time.
  7. Clear your desk.
  8. Clear out your email inbox.
  9. Move slower.
  10. Single task.
I also enjoyed reading another post, Haiku Productivity: The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential referenced in #4, which describes putting limits on everything. I like this one, as this is something that causes me difficulty. I like to do too many things and I'm not always good at prioritizing. Perhaps thinking about the content of this post might encourage me to make some moves in the right direction. But I'm NOT making any resolutions to do this!

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